Over four hundred accesses were registered to the webinars that Focus International organized in recent days.
The organizers would never have expected so much involvement and interest from the insiders for the webinars scheduled for this end of 2020, so much so that they were forced to triple the number of connections to the platform used for online meetings!
"When we planned these webinars - M.stro Fabio Selmi told after these great successes - we imagined an act of resilience, an action to demonstrate that the Good Dance is alive, stronger than ever to affirm that nothing can stop dance sport and the moments to share it.” Furthermore, this “home edition” not only made us feel less alone but opened the way to a new way of imagining our environment: involving people physically away but close to us in terms of sensitivity and ideas. All this will surely be the starting point for the next webinars ”.
The meeting with the one of the best teacher in the world, the great Michele Bonsignori, that took place yesterday 1 December 2020 at 9.30 pm, received the heavy legacy left by the first webinar-interview held by the "Maestro Fabio Selmi” to the Multiple World Champion Dmitry Zharkov & Olga Kulikova; well this second meeting saw a conspicuous increase of athletes and technicians who joined the project.
In conclusion, these are events "beyond space" in which the local dimension, the spaces of our homes and our schools and associations, merged with the global dimension, because every person from every part of the world, with their own pc or smartphone, was part of this great project.
As Albert Einstein said: “Imagination will take you everywhere”.